The Ceta-Base (CB) website launched in December 2006 with the captive dolphin inventory called “Phin’ventory”. Since the beginning, the site, its database, notes and research has been maintained entirely as a volunteer effort. It is the result of over three decades of involvement, exposure and research into the captive marine mammal industry and its animals.
In order to compile the data here, Ceta-Base references multiple industry resources then compares those records against public sources such as newspaper articles, scientific papers and journals. This multi-level approach ensures increased accuracy and provides a data trail for fact validation.
As part of our methodology, the data contained on this site is presented in an impartial format with the intent to inform and educate without a platform or agenda. While the administrators of Ceta-Base have their own opinions about captive marine mammals the website is not meant to be a forum for either a pro-captivity or anti-captivity debate. Because Ceta-Base operates from a neutral platform, we consult and provide information to all organizations regardless of affiliation. This does not imply endorsement of those organizations.
The staff of Ceta-Base strives for accurate and up to date information however the data itself can be dynamic – in short, captive animals are transported, give birth or die. Your patience and understanding is appreciated when dealing with typos or other data that may be incorrect. Submitted information may be subject to independent verification or put on hold by request. If this is the case submissions may not appear on the website immediately. Information submitted can be kept confidential if that is preferred and the admin of Ceta-Base will always respect conditions of anonymity or confidentiality of sources.
By its nature the database features a large number of photos. Whenever possible we have attempted to contact the original owner of the photograph for their permission and to correctly credit the photographer. If you see one of your photos displayed here and either want it removed or credited please email.
Any data presented on Ceta-Base is done so with the purpose of informing users so that they may formulate their own understanding of the information presented. Articles, papers, news and materials from both sides of the argument will be posted even if they do not necessarily reflect an opinion of the site administrator. Always be aware of the source when reading through the materials found on the website, though the site is neutral the materials presented here may not be.
Finally, the owner, admin and host of this website is not affiliated with any organization or marine park mentioned on this site.