The tables below reflect captive breeding results for all cetacean species. Once a birth occurs, a note to the calf’s name, gender and survival will be made as soon as the information is available. Dates recorded in the “Survived” column indicate that a live-born calf has died on the date listed. The data is also color coded with live births in blue, deaths in red and unsuccessful pregnancies in purple. Unsuccessful pregnancies include stillbirths, miscarriages and unknown results.
To view other years, click the links, collapse the current year, or on mobile, scroll down.
2025 • 2024 • 2023 • 2022 • 2021 • 2020 • 2019 • 2018 • 2017 • 2016 • 2015 • 2014 • 2013 • 2012 • 2011 • 2010 •
The data below reflects captive cetacean pregnancies across all species for 2025/2026 and their results for the calendar year 2025. As of DATE, a total of eight known pregnancies have been listed with three reaching a result and five waiting to give birth or reach their due date. Pregnancies occur in two species, listed as follows with the number of pregnancies in parentheses: bottlenose dolphins (7) and killer whale (1).
When analyzed by species, the results are:
Dolphin, Bottlenose | 07 total pregnancies resulting in 03 live-births and 04 females still pregnant. Of the live-births, 02 survived and 01 died. |
Orca; Killer Whale | 01 total pregnancy, the female is still pregnant. |
Date | Date-Sort | Species | Mother | Father | Result | Facility / Born At: | Survived | Survival-Sort | Named: | Sex | Filter |
2025-xxx-xx | 20250602 | Bottlenose, TG | Mint ミント | - | Pregnancy | Adventure World Shirahama | - | - | - | - | asia, japan |
2025-May/Jun | 20250601 | Bottlenose, TG | Snowy スノーウィー | Ring | Pregnancy | Sendai Umino-mori | - | - | - | - | asia, japan |
2025-May/Jun | 20250601 | Bottlenose, TG | Coral コーラル | Ring | Pregnancy | Sendai Umino-mori | - | - | - | - | asia, japan |
2025-May-xx | 20250530 | Bottlenose | Allie | - | Pregnancy | Brookfield Zoo | - | - | - | - | north america, united states, illinois |
2025-xxx-xx | 20250301 | Killer Whale | Morgan | - | Pregnancy | Loro Parque | - | - | - | - | europe, spain |
2025-Feb-24 | 20250224 | Bottlenose, TG | Maru マール | Luster | Birth | Kagoshima Aquarium | - | - | - | F | asia, japan |
2025-Jan-26 | 20250126 | Bottlenose | ?? | Belle/Razzle | Birth | SeaWorld San Diego | 2025-Jan-27 | 20250127 | - | F | north america, united states, california, died |
2025-Jan-19 | 20250119 | Bottlenose | ?? | Belle/Razzle | Birth | SeaWorld San Diego | - | - | - | U | north america, united states, california |
2025-Jan-02 | 20250102 | Bottlenose | ?? | Belle/Razzle | Birth | SeaWorld San Diego | 2025-Jan-03 | 20250103 | - | F | north america, united states, california, died |
Date | Date-Sort | Species | Mother | Father | Result | Facility / Born At: | Survived | Survival-Sort | Named: | Sex | Filter |
2024-Dec-22 | 20241222 | Bottlenose | ?? | Belle/Razzle | Birth | SeaWorld San Diego | - | - | - | M | north america, united states, california |
2024-Dec-16 | 20241216 | Bottlenose | Wendy | - | Birth | Delfinario Cayo Guillermo | - | - | - | U | caribbean, cuba |
2024-Nov-01 | 20241101 | Bottlenose | ?? | - | Birth | SeaWorld San Diego | 2024-Nov-01 | 20241101 | - | M | north america, united states, california, died |
2024-Oct-27 | 20241027 | Bottlenose, TG | Luna ルナ | Shikamaru | Birth | Marine World Uminonakamichi | - | - | Stella ステラ | F | asia, japan |
2024-Oct-19 | 20241019 | Bottlenose, TG | Sky スカイ | Joy | Birth | Shimoda Aquarium | - | - | - | U | asia, japan |
2024-Oct-02 | 20241002 | Bottlenose, TG | Winnie ウィニー | A.I., Kairi? | Birth | Nagoya Aquarium | - | - | - | M | asia, japan |
2024-Sep-14 | 20240914 | Bottlenose, TP | Gela Гела | Dania | Birth | Medical Center "Ocean" | - | - | - | U | russia |
2024-xxx-xx | 20240901 | Bottlenose | Bailey | - | Birth | RIMS Honduras | - | - | - | U | caribbean, honduras |
2024-Aug-29 | 20240829 | Bottlenose, TG | Areca アレか | - | Birth | Hakkeijima Sea Paradise | - | - | Popone ぽぽね | F | asia, japan |
2024-Aug-26 | 20240826 | Bottlenose, TG | Octo 옥토 | - | Birth | Geoje Sea World | 2024-Sep-08 | 20240908 | - | U | south korea, died |
2024-Aug-23 | 20240823 | White-sided, Pacific | Tia ティア | - | Birth | Kamogawa Sea World | - | - | Ruti ルティ | F | asia, japan |
2024-Aug-18 | 20240818 | Bottlenose, TG | Mery メリー | Rocky | Birth | Otaru Aquarium | - | - | Renka レンカ | F | asia, japan |
2024-Aug-08 | 20240808 | White-sided, Pacific | Diana ディアナ | - | Birth | Kamogawa Sea World | - | - | Finn フィン | M | asia, japan |
2024-Aug-07 | 20240807 | Bottlenose, TG | Loop ループ | - | Birth | Hakkeijima Sea Paradise | - | - | Rion りおん | F | asia, japan |
2024-Jul-24 | 20240724 | Beluga | Naya | - | Birth | Shedd Aquarium | - | - | Opus | M | north america, united states, illinois |
2024-Jul-21 | 20240721 | Bottlenose, TG | Rabin ラビン | - | Birth | Hakkeijima Sea Paradise | - | - | Watage わたげ | F | asia, japan |
2024-Jul-08 | 20240708 | White-sided, Pacific | Ohana | - | Birth | SeaWorld San Antonio | - | - | Mai'a | F | north america, united states, texas |
2024-Jul-06 | 20240706 | Bottlenose, TP | Bullet Пуля | - | Birth | Moskvarium | - | - | Lucky Лаки | M | russia |
2024-Jul-01 | 20240701 | Beluga | Arya | Wrangel | Birth | AQUAS | - | - | - | F | asia, japan |
2024-Jun-28 | 20240628 | Beluga | Luna | - | Birth | SeaWorld San Antonio | - | - | Rurik | M | north america, united states, texas |
2024-Jun-26 | 20240626 | White-sided, Pacific | Piquet | - | Birth | SeaWorld San Antonio | 2024-Aug-01 | 20240801 | - | F | north america, united states, texas, died |
2024-Jun-24 | 20240624 | Beluga | Anna | Wrangel | Birth | AQUAS | - | - | - | M | asia, japan |
2024-Jun-09 | 20240609 | Porpoise, Finless | F9 福久 | Taotao | Birth | Institute of Hydrobiology | - | - | F9C24 | M | asia, china |
2024-May-17 | 20240517 | Bottlenose, TP | Zakharka Захарка | - | Birth | Arkhipo-Osipovsky Dolphinarium | 2024-Oct-19 | 20241019 | Zakhar | ? | russia, died |
2024-May-09 | 20240509 | Bottlenose, TG | Half? | Champ? | Birth | Adventure World Shirahama | - | - | Pixar ピクサー | U | asia, japan |
2024-May-03 | 20240503 | White-sided, Pacific | Sango サンゴ | Jack or Nick | Birth | Marine World Uminonakamichi | - | - | Jugo ジューゴ | M | asia, japan |
2024-Apr-02 | 20240402 | Bottlenose | Arangi 아랑이 | Taiji | Birth | Geoje Sea World | - | - | - | U | south korea |
2024-Mar-29 | 20240329 | Bottlenose | Damara | - | Birth | Discovery Cove | - | - | Dahlia | F | north america, united states, florida |
2024-Mar-29 | 20240329 | Bottlenose | Momo モモ | Nick ニック | Birth | Aqua World Oarai | - | - | - | F | asia, japan |
2024-Mar-08 | 20240308 | Bottlenose, TG | Chen Chen | Breeze | Birth | Delfinariu Constanta | 2024-Jul-xx | 20240722 | Baby | M | europe, romania, died |
Date | Date-Sort | Species | Mother | Father | Result | Facility / Born At: | Survived | Survival-Sort | Named: | Sex | Filter |
2023-Nov-02 | 20231102 | Bottlenose | Shaka | - | Birth | Marineland Florida | 2023-Nov-02 | 20231102 | - | F | north america, united states, florida, died |
2023-Oct-08 | 20231008 | Porpoise, Finless | Kokoro | - | Birth | Toba Aquarium | - | - | - | M | asia, japan |
2023-Sep-18 | 20230918 | Beluga | Milly | Nack | Birth | Kamogawa Sea World | - | - | Theo テオ | M | asia, japan |
2023-Aug-12 | 20230812 | Bottlenose | Pigeon | - | Birth | Balmoral Island | 2024-Feb-xx | 20240228 | - | U | caribbean, bahamas, died |
2023-Aug-02 | 20230802 | Bottlenose | Perla | Benny | Birth | Delfinario Cienfuegos | xxxx-xxx-xx | 20231231 | - | U | caribbean, cuba, died |
2023-Jul-25 | 20230725 | Spotted, Pantrop. | Lana | Rio | Birth | Taiji Whale Museum | - | - | Mana マナ | F | asia, japan |
2023-Jul-16 | 20230716 | Bottlenose | Mark 마크 | - | Birth | Geoje Sea World | - | - | Milo 마일로 | M | south korea |
2023-Jul-07 | 20230707 | White-sided, Pacific | Melmo | Ain | Birth | Kinosaki Marine World | - | - | Milky ミルキー | F | asia, japan |
2023-Jul-04 | 20230704 | Bottlenose | Maddie | - | Birth | IMMS | - | - | Indy | M | north america, united states, mississippi |
2023-Jun-28 | 20230628 | Bottlenose | Wahoo | - | Birth | IMMS | - | - | Loki | M | north america, united states, mississippi |
2023-Jun-27 | 20230627 | Bottlenose, TG | Sugar | A.I., ?? | Birth | Motobu Genki Mura | - | - | Sula スラ | M | asia, japan |
2023-Jun-26 | 20230626 | White-sided, Pacific | Lulu | - | Birth | Hakkeijima Sea Paradise | - | - | Elle エル | F | asia, japan |
2023-Jun-21 | 20230621 | Commerson's | Stella | Kai | Birth | Toba Aquarium | - | - | Cosmo コスモ | M | asia, japan |
2023-Jun-12 | 20230612 | Beluga | Gray | Nico | Birth | Nagoya Aquarium | 2023-Jun-12 | 20230612 | - | F | asia, japan |
2023-Jun-02 | 20230603 | White-sided, Pacific | Latte | - | Birth | Adventure World Shirahama | 2023-Jun-09 | 20230609 | - | M | asia, japan |
2023-Apr-30 | 20230430 | Bottlenose, TG | Yuki | Hatch | Birth | New Yashima Aquarium | - | - | Nana ナナ | F | asia, japan |
2023-Apr-24 | 20230424 | Bottlenose, TG | Saki | Dan | Birth | Tsukumi Dolphin Island | - | - | Sun サン | U | asia, japan |
2023-Mar-06 | 20230306 | Bottlenose | Megara | - | Birth | Atlantis Bahamas | - | - | Bay | F | caribbean, bahamas |
2023-Feb-15 | 20230215 | Bottlenose | Elektra | - | Birth | Atlantis Bahamas | - | - | Valentina | F | caribbean, bahamas |
Date | Date-Sort | Species | Mother | Father | Result | Facility / Born At: | Survived | Survival-Sort | Named: | Sex | Filter |
2022-Nov-03 | 20221103 | Bottlenose | Cayo | Louie | Birth | Dolphin Research Center | - | - | Morada | F | north america, united states, florida |
2022-Oct-10 | 20221010 | Bottlenose | Noelani | Sonny | Birth | Coral World | - | - | Coki | F | caribbean, united states, virgin islands |
2022-Oct-04 | 20221004 | Bottlenose | Lucy | - | Birth | Planète Sauvage | - | - | Yaqu | M | europe, france |
2022-Sep-30 | 20220930 | Bottlenose, TG | Kia キア | Seed | Birth | Kyoto Aquarium | - | - | Tsumugi ツムギ | M | asia, japan |
2022-Sep-18 | 20220918 | Bottlenose | Parel | - | Birth | Planète Sauvage | - | - | Pili | F | europe, france |
2022-Sep-17 | 20220917 | Bottlenose | Krista | - | Birth | D. Discovery Cozumel | - | - | - | M | north america, mexico |
2022-Sep-15 | 20220915 | Bottlenose | Kathy | - | Birth | D. Discovery Cozumel | - | - | - | U | north america, mexico |
2022-Sep-10 | 20220910 | Bottlenose | Valeria | - | Birth | D. Discovery Isla Mujeres | - | - | - | U | north america, mexico |
2022-Sep-06 | 20220906 | Bottlenose | Luna | - | Birth | Dolphins Plus Bayside | 2022-Sep-06 | 20220906 | - | M | north america, united states, florida, died |
2022-Sep-04 | 20220904 | Bottlenose | Debbie | Ivo? | Birth | Zoo Duisburg | - | - | Domingo | M | europe, germany, died |
2022-Aug-23 | 20220823 | Bottlenose, TG | Garam | - | Birth | Adventure World Shirahama | - | - | Cumin クミン | F | asia, japan |
2022-Aug-17 | 20220817 | White-sided, Pacific | Hikari ヒカリ | Jack | Birth | Marine World Uminionakamichi | 2022-Aug-21 | 20220821 | - | F | asia, japan, died |
2022-Aug-09 | 20220809 | White-sided, Pacific | Itch イッチ | Toto トト | Birth | Niigata City Aquarium | - | - | Amber コハク | F | asia, japan |
2022-Aug-xx | 20220802 | Bottlenose | Leda レダ | Subaru | Birth | Taiji Whale Museum | - | - | Atlas アトラス | F | asia, japan |
2022-Aug-xx | 20220801 | Bottlenose | Sakura さくら | Subaru | Birth | Taiji Whale Museum | 2022-Aug-xx | 20220801 | - | U | asia, japan, died |
2022-Jul-xx | 20220730 | Bottlenose | ?? | - | Birth | Balmoral Island | - | - | Diamond | F | caribbean, bahamas |
2022-Jul-xx | 20220730 | Bottlenose | ?? | - | Birth | Balmoral Island | - | - | Harry | M | caribbean, bahamas |
2022-Jul-29 | 20220729 | Bottlenose | Ping | Sonny? | Birth | Coral World | 2022-Aug-18 | 20220818 | - | M | caribbean, united states, virgin islands, died |
2022-Jul-07 | 20220707 | Bottlenose, TG | Chame | A.I., Luster | Birth | Motobu Genki Mura | - | - | Petit プティ | F | asia, japan |
2022-xxx-xx | 20220701 | White-sided, Pacific | Piquet | - | Stillborn | SeaWorld San Antonio | Stillborn | 20220701 | - | U | north america, united states, texas |
2022-Jun-xx | 20220630 | Bottlenose | Vita Вита | - | Birth | Minsk Dolphinarium | - | - | Maya Майя | F | eastern europe, belarus |
2022-Jun-27 | 20220627 | Porpoise, Finless | F9 福久 | Taotao | Birth | Institute of Hydrobiology | - | - | Jiujiu 久久 | F | asia, china |
2022-Jun-19 | 20220619 | Bottlenose, TG | Chame | A.I., Raster | Birth | Motobu Genki Mura | - | - | Petit プティ | F | asia, japan |
2022-Jun-17 | 20220617 | Bottlenose, TG | ??? | - | Birth | Happy World Dolphin House | - | - | Chengcheng 澄澄 | M | asia, china |
2022-Jun-13 | 20220613 | Hybrid, TGxPC | Iss 伊丝 | ??, Pc | Birth | Polar Ocean World Tianjin | - | - | - | U | asia, china |
2022-Jun-02 | 20220602 | White-sided, Pacific | Ohana | - | Birth | SeaWorld San Antonio | 2022-Jun-03 | 20220603 | - | M | north america, united states, texas, died |
2022-Jun-01 | 20220601 | Porpoise, Finless | Chobo | Go | Birth | Toba Aquarium | - | - | Peace ピース | M | asia, japan |
2022-Jun-01 | 20220601 | Porpoise, Finless | Chobo チョボ | Gow ゴウ | Birth | Toba Aquarium | - | - | Peace ピース | M | asia, japan |
2022-xxx-xx | 20220601 | Hybrid | Cosmo (Gg) | Keith (Pc) | Birth | Taiji Whale Museum | - | - | Suzuka すずか | U | asia, japan |
2022-May-31 | 20220531 | Bottlenose | Gypsi | Louie | Birth | Dolphin Research Center | - | - | Bowie | F | north america, united states, florida |
2022-May-20 | 20220520 | Porpoise, Finless | Strawberry イチゴ | - | Birth | Toba Aquarium | 2022-Oct-xx | 20221031 | - | F | asia, japan, died |
2022-May-17 | 20220517 | White-sided, Pacific | Coral サンゴ | Jack | Stillborn | Marine World Uminionakamichi | Stillborn | 20220517 | - | U | asia, japan |
2022-May-10 | 20220510 | Spotted, Pantrop | Hyssop ヒソップ | Yarrow | Birth | OMRC | xxxx-xxx-xx | 20221231 | Anise アニス | M | asia, japan, died |
2022-May-03 | 20220503 | Porpoise, Finless | Koharu コハル | Hatch | Birth | Miyajima Aquarium | - | - | Miharu ミハル | M | asia, japan |
2022-Apr-20 | 20220420 | Hybrid, GM x PC | Gita ジータ | Keith | Birth | Taiji Whale Museum | 2022-xxx-xx | 20220901 | - | U | asia, japan, died |
2022-Apr-17 | 20220417 | Bottlenose | Beauty Бьюти | - | Birth | NEMO Kharkov | - | - | Mria Мрийка | U | ukraine |
2022-Apr-01 | 20220401 | Bottlenose, TG | Mar | A.I., ??? | Birth | Okinawa Churaumi | - | - | Heim ハイム | M | asia, japan |
2022-Mar-13 | 20220313 | Pseudorca | Anzu あんず | Musashi ムサシ | Birth | Adventure World Shirahama | - | - | Yomogi よもぎ | F | asia, japan |
Date | Date-Sort | Species | Mother | Father | Result | Facility / Born At: | Survived | Survival-Sort | Named: | Sex | Filter |
2021-Nov-07 | 20211107 | Bottlenose, TG | Lamb | Regulus | Birth | Marine World Uminonakamichi | - | - | Leila レイラ | F | asia, japan |
2021-Oct-12 | 20211012 | Bottlenose | Corona/Zana | - | Birth | SeaWorld San Diego | 2021-Oct-12 | 20211012 | - | M | north america, united states, california, died |
2021-Oct-10 | 20211010 | Bottlenose | Corona/Zana | - | Stillborn | SeaWorld San Diego | Stillborn | 20211010 | - | M | north america, united states, california |
2021-Oct-02 | 20211002 | Bottlenose, Pacific | Zero | A.I., Luster | Birth | Nagoya Aquarium | - | - | Ray レイ | M | asia, japan |
2021-Sep-10 | 20210910 | White-sided, Pacific | Midi | Ain | Birth | Kinosaki Marine World | - | - | Andy アンディ | M | asia, japan |
2021-Aug-02 | 20210802 | Bottlenose | Ankh | - | Birth | Aqua Park Shinagawa | 2024-Nov-29 | 20241129 | Link リンク | M | asia, japan, died |
2021-Aug-01 | 20210801 | Bottlenose, TG | Chocolate | Regulus | Birth | Marine World Uminonakamichi | - | - | Leo レオ | M | asia, japan |
2021-Jul-27 | 20210727 | Beluga | Beets | - | Birth | Kamogawa Sea World | - | - | Vis ヴィズ | F | asia, japan |
2021-Jul-25 | 20210725 | Beluga | Luna | - | Birth | SeaWorld San Antonio | - | - | Tulok | M | north america, united states, texas |
2021-Jul-23 | 20210723 | Beluga | Qinu | - | Stillborn | Georgia Aquarium | Stillborn | 20210723 | - | M | north america, united states, georgia, died |
2021-Jul-22 | 20210722 | Beluga | Nina | - | Birth | Kamogawa Sea World | - | - | Lina リーナ | F | asia, japan |
2021-Jul-18 | 20210718 | White-sided, Pacific | Kiyo | - | Birth | Noboribetsu Nixe | 2021-Jul-21 | 20210721 | - | F | asia, japan, died |
2021-Jul-13 | 20210713 | White-sided, Pacific | Niche | Toto トト | Birth | Niigata City Aquarium | - | - | Sacchi サチ | F | asia, japan |
2021-Jul-11 | 20210711 | Pseudorca | Momo | Tida | Birth | Okinawa Churaumi | 2024-Nov-11 | 20241111 | Rise ライズ | M | asia, japan, died |
2021-Aug-07 | 20210707 | Bottlenose, Pacific | Kia | - | Birth | Kyoto Aquarium | 2021-Aug-08 | 20210808 | - | M | asia, japan, died |
2021-Jun-26 | 20210626 | Bottlenose | Nueces | Starbuck | Birth | Discovery Cove | - | - | Moby | M | north america, united states, florida |
2021-Jun-17 | 20210617 | Bottlenose | Krystle | Stormy | Birth | Theater of the Sea | - | - | Trooper | M | north america, united states, florida |
2021-May-14 | 20210514 | Bottlenose, TG | Dipper | A.I., Ting | Birth | Motobu Genki Mura | - | - | Temo テモ | F | asia, japan |
2021-Apr-21 | 20210421 | Bottlenose, TG | Leo | A.I., Luster | Birth | Motobu Genki Mura | - | - | Regulus レグルス | M | asia, japan |
2021-Feb-17 | 20210217 | Porpoise, Finless | Miku | - | Birth | Marine World Uminonakamichi | 2021-Feb-19 | 20210219 | - | F | asia, japan, died |
Date | Date-Sort | Species | Mother | Father | Result | Facility / Born At: | Survived | Survival-Sort | Named: | Sex | Filter |
2020-Oct-17 | 20201017 | Bottlenose | Panama | - | Birth | Miami Seaquarium | - | - | Mia | F | north america, united states, florida |
2020-Sep-29 | 20200929 | Bottlenose | Bree | - | Birth | SeaWorld Orlando | - | - | Ember | F | north america, united states, florida |
2020-Aug-31 | 20200831 | White-sided, Pacific | Katrl | Sagu | Birth | Shedd Aquarium | - | - | Harmony | F | north america, united states, illinois |
2020-Aug-30 | 20200831 | Beluga | Naya | - | Stillborn | Shedd Aquarium | Stillborn | 20200830 | - | U | north america, united states, illinois |
2020-Aug-30 | 20200830 | Beluga | Naya | - | Birth | Shedd Aquarium | 2020-Sep-15 | 20200915 | Naya's Twin 1 | F | north america, united states, illinois, died |
2020-Aug-21 | 20200821 | Beluga | Bella | - | Birth | Shedd Aquarium | - | - | Atlas | M | north america, united states, illinois |
2020-Aug-07 | 20200807 | Bottlenose | Pele | - | Birth | Dolphin Quest Hawaii | - | - | Olina | F | north america, united states, hawaii |
2020-Aug-04 | 20200804 | White-sided, Pacific | Meme | Toto トト | Birth | Niigata City Aquarium | - | - | Ricou リク | M | asia, japan |
2020-Jul-15 | 20200715 | Bottlenose | Ely | Cooper | Birth | Dolphin Quest Bermuda | - | - | Juniper | F | caribbean, bermuda |
2020-Jul-07 | 20200707 | Bottlenose | Brighton | Cooper | Birth | Dolphin Quest Bermuda | - | - | Hinson | M | caribbean, bermuda |
2020-Jul-05 | 20200705 | Bottlenose | Valentina | - | Birth | Delfinario Santa Maria | - | - | Lucas | M | caribbean, cuba |
2020-May-27 | 20200527 | Bottlenose, TG | Mei | Athens | Stillborn | Tsukumi Dolphin Island | Stillborn | 20200527 | - | U | asia, japan |
2020-May-18 | 20200518 | Bottlenose | Hi'iaka | Kaimakani | Birth | Sea Life Park | - | - | Kanoa | M | north america, united states, hawaii |
2020-May-17 | 20200517 | Beluga | Whisper | Naluark | Birth | Georgia Aquarium | - | - | Shila | F | north america, united states, georgia |
2020-Apr-21 | 20200421 | Bottlenose, Pacific | Serious | A.I., Dan | Birth | Enoshima Aquarium | - | - | Mirai ミライ | M | asia, japan |
2020-Apr-16 | 20200416 | Bottlenose, TG | Cherry | - | Birth | Adventure World Shirahama | - | - | - | M | asia, japan |
2020-Mar-26 | 20200326 | Bottlenose | Sasha | A.I., ??? | Birth | SeaWorld Orlando | - | - | Spark | M | north america, united states, florida |
2020-Jan-03 | 20200103 | Bottlenose, TG | Tenten | Luster | Birth | Kagoshima Aquarium | - | - | Happy ハッピー | F | asia, japan |
2020-Jan-01 | 20200102 | Bottlenose | Lotty | - | Birth | Marineland Antibes | 2020-Jan-01 | 20200101 | U | europe, france, died |
Date | Date-Sort | Species | Mother | Father | Result | Facility / Born At: | Survived | Survival-Sort | Named: | Sex | Filter |
2019-xxx-xx? | 20191231 | Bottlenose | Xenia | Aras | Birth | Land of Legends | - | - | U | turkey | |
2019-xxx-xx? | 20191231 | Bottlenose | Loza | Aras | Birth | Land of Legends | - | - | U | turkey | |
2019-Dec-14 | 20191214 | Bottlenose, TG | Roxy | J | Birth | Dolphins Pacific | - | - | Mekreos | M | oceania, palau |
2019-Dec-04 | 20191204 | Bottlenose | B.J. | - | Birth | Sea Life Park | - | - | Kailani | M | north america, united states, hawaii |
2019-Nov-30 | 20191130 | Bottlenose, TG | ?? | - | Birth | Adventure World Shirahama | 2019-Dec-13 | 20191213 | - | F | asia, japan, died |
2019-Nov-26 | 20191126 | Bottlenose, TG | Mani | A.I., Luster | Birth | Motobu Genki Mura | 2019-Nov-27 | 20191127 | - | U | asia, japan, died |
2019-Nov-18 | 20191118 | Bottlenose | ??? | - | Birth | Adventures Vallarta | - | - | Nina | F | mexico |
2019-Nov-10 | 20191110 | Bottlenose | ??? | - | Birth | Adventures Vallarta | - | - | Rocco | M? | mexico |
2019-Nov-05 | 20191105 | Bottlenose, TG | Midori | - | Birth | NEMO Odessa | - | - | None Yet | - | |
2019-xxx-xx | 20191031 | Bottlenose | Tilly | - | Birth | RIMS Honduras | - | - | Sandy | F | caribbean, honduras |
2019-Oct-19 | 20191019 | Bottlenose | Miss Merlin | Stormy | Birth | Dolphin Encounters | - | - | Tingum | F | caribbean, bahamas |
2019-Oct-17 | 20191017 | Bottlenose | Maguire | A.I., Scotia | Birth | SeaWorld San Diego | - | - | Skylar | F | north america, united states, california |
2019-Oct-16 | 20191016 | Bottlenose | Malibu | A.I., Starbuck | Birth | SeaWorld San Diego | - | - | Jack | M | north america, united states, california |
2019-Oct-10 | 20191010 | Bottlenose | Abaco | Stormy | Birth | Dolphin Encounters | - | - | Coco | U | caribbean, bahamas |
2019-Oct-09 | 20191009 | Bottlenose | Perla | Benny | Birth | Delfinario Cienfuegos | - | - | Malú | F | caribbean, cuba |
2019-Sep-08 | 20190908 | Bottlenose | Soca | Andy | Birth | Dolphin Encounters | - | - | Noah | M | caribbean, bahamas |
2019-Sep-03 | 20190903 | Bottlenose | Kona | - | Birth | Dolphin Quest Hawaii | - | - | Alaula | F | north america, united states, hawaii |
2019-Sep-xx | 20190902 | Beluga | Eve | - | Birth | Marineland Canada | 2021-xxx-xx | 20210831 | - | M | canada, died |
2019-xxx-xx | 20190901 | Beluga | Jellybean | - | Birth | Marineland Canada | - | - | Bertie | M | canada |
2019-Aug-27 | 20190827 | Bottlenose | Kalei | Kimo | Birth | Indianapolis Zoo | - | - | Maui | M | north america, united states, indiana |
2019-Aug-16 | 20190816 | Bottlenose | Bella | A.I., Razzle | Birth | Mirage Dolphin Habitat | - | - | Lady | F | north america, united states, nevada |
2019-Aug-11 | 20190811 | Beluga | Rain | - | Birth | Marineland Canada | - | - | Zephyr | M | canada |
2019-Aug-04 | 20190804 | Beluga | Secord | - | Birth | Marineland Canada | - | - | Gimli | M | canada |
2019-Jul-30 | 20190730 | Bottlenose | Alice | A.I, Lucky | Birth | SeaWorld San Antonio | - | - | Cooper | M | north america, united states, texas |
2019-Jul-29 | 20190729 | White-sided, Pacific | Itch イッチ | Toto トト | Birth | Niigata City Aquarium | - | - | Jacques ジャック | M | asia, japan |
2019-Jul-26 | 20190726 | Bottlenose, TG | Nelli Нелли | - | Birth | NEMO Odessa | - | - | U | - | |
2019-Jul-20 | 20190720 | Bottlenose | Julia | - | Birth | NEMO Odessa | - | - | U | - | |
2019-Jul-15 | 20190715 | White-sided, Pacific | Mel | - | Birth | Adventure World Shirahama | 2020-Jan-21 | 20200121 | - | F | asia, japan, died |
2019-Jul-11 | 20190711 | Bottlenose, TG | Curl カール | Luster | Birth | Kagoshima Aquarium | - | - | Rei レイ | F | asia, japan |
2019-Jul-03 | 20190703 | Beluga | Mauyak | Aurek | Birth | Shedd Aquarium | - | - | Annik | M | north america, united states, illinois |
2019-Jul-xx | 20190701 | Commerson's | Lala | Kai | Birth | Toba Aquarium | 2019-Jul-xx | 20190701 | - | U | asia, japan, died |
2019-Jun-25 | 20190625 | Bottlenose, TG | Tsubomi つぼみ | Wild | Birth | Dolphin Farm Shimanami | - | - | Niko にこ | M | asia, japan |
2019-Jun-24 | 20190624 | Commerson's | Stella | Kai | Birth | Toba Aquarium | 2019-Aug-24 | 20190824 | - | F | asia, japan, died |
2019-Jun-22 | 20190622 | Hybrid | Cosmo (Gg) | Keith (Pc) | Birth | Taiji Whale Museum | - | - | Hiyoka ひよか | F | asia, japan |
2019-Jun-20 | 20190620 | Bottlenose, TG | Vanilla | Johnny | Birth | Shinagawa Aquarium | - | - | Mint ミント | M | asia, japan |
2019-Jun-19 | 20190619 | Bottlenose, TG | Sugar シュガー | Ninufa | Birth | Motobu Genki Mura | xxxx-xxx-xx | 20201231 | Sunny サニー | M | asia, japan, died |
2019-Jun-18 | 20190618 | White-sided, Pacific | Lara ララ | - | Birth | Hakkeijima Sea Paradise | 2019-Nov-08 | 20191108 | - | U | asia, japan, died |
2019-Jun-01 | 20190601 | Bottlenose | Bailey | - | Birth | Dolphin Quest Bermuda | - | - | Reef | ? | caribbean, bermuda |
2019-Jun-xx | 20190601 | Bottlenose | Rosy | - | Birth | Delfinario Varadero | - | - | - | U | caribbean, cuba |
2019-May-29 | 20190529 | White-sided, Pacific | Diana | A.I., Lupin | Birth | Kamogawa Sea World | - | - | Dio デイオ | M | asia, japan |
2019-May-25 | 20190525 | Porpoise, Finless | Chobo | Go | Birth | Toba Aquarium | - | - | Wakaba ワカバ | F | asia, japan |
2019-May-09 | 20190509 | Bottlenose | Stella | - | Birth | Discovery Cove | - | - | Lola | F | north america, united states, florida |
2019-May-xx | 20190503 | White-sided, Pacific | Anna | - | Birth | Chimelong Ocean Kingdom | - | - | - | M | asia, china |
2019-May-xx | 20190502 | White-sided, Pacific | Sakura | - | Birth | Chimelong Ocean Kingdom | - | - | - | M | asia, china |
2019-May-xx | 20190501 | White-sided, Pacific | Luna | - | Birth | Chimelong Ocean Kingdom | - | - | - | M | asia, china |
2019-Feb-13 | 20190213 | Pseudorca | Momiji | Musashi | Birth | Adventure World Shirahama | 2019-Feb-22 | 20190222 | - | U | asia, japan, died |
2019-Jan-17 | 20190117 | Bottlenose, TG | ??? | - | Birth | Adventure World Shirahama | 2019-xxx-xx | 20191213 | - | M | asia, japan, died |
Date | Date-Sort | Species | Mother | Father | Result | Facility / Born At: | Survived | Survival-Sort | Named: | Sex | Filter |
2018-Dec-30 | 20181230 | Beluga | Sophia 索菲娅 | - | Birth | Chimelong Ocean Kingdom | - | - | Didi 迪迪 | F | asia, china |
2018-Dec-22 | 20181222 | Beluga | Yulia 尤利娅 | - | Birth | Chimelong Ocean Kingdom | - | - | Diandian 点点 | F | asia, china |
2018-Dec-21 | 20181221 | Bottlenose | Princess | Stormy | Birth | Dolphin Encounters | - | - | Duchess | F | caribbean, bahamas |
2018-Dec-17 | 20181217 | Beluga | Lina | - | Birth | Chimelong Ocean Kingdom | - | - | Dabao 大白 | M | asia, china |
2018-Dec-07 | 20181207 | Bottlenose | Onda | Sol | Birth | Mediterraneo Marine Park | - | - | Rohan | M | europe, malta |
2018-Dec-05 | 20181205 | Bottlenose | Lara | - | Birth | Aquarium Mar del Plata | - | - | ?? | U | argentina |
2018-Nov-29 | 20181129 | Bottlenose | Olivia | - | Birth | Aquarium Mar del Plata | - | - | ?? | U | argentina |
2018-Nov-28 | 20181128 | Bottlenose | Swani | Inti | Birth | Oceanario Isla Rosario | - | - | Kristal | F | south america, colombia |
2018-Nov-26 | 20181126 | Bottlenose | Isis | - | Birth | Aquarium Mar del Plata | - | - | ?? | U | argentina |
2018-Nov-25 | 20181125 | Bottlenose, TG | Nami ナミ | A.I., Rios | Stillborn | Kujukushima Aquarium | Stillborn | 20181125 | - | U | asia, japan |
2018-Nov-21 | 20181121 | Bottlenose | Princess | Stormy | Birth | Dolphin Encounters | - | - | Duchess | F | caribbean, bahamas |
2018-Nov-16 | 20181116 | Bottlenose | Eva | Inti | Birth | Oceanario Isla Rosario | - | - | Sol | F | south america, colombia |
2018-Nov-08 | 20181108 | Bottlenose, TG | Happy | Regulus | Birth | Marine World Uminonakamichi | - | - | Haru ハル | U | asia, japan |
2018-Nov-05 | 20181105 | Bottlenose | Melanie | A.I.,Sam | Birth | SeaWorld San Diego | - | - | Blue | M | north america, united states, california |
2018-Oct-18 | 20181018 | Bottlenose | Chocolate チョコ | Regulas | Birth | Marine World Uminonakamichi | 2020-Jul-09 | 20200709 | Cocoa ココア | M | asia, japan, died |
2018-Oct-11 | 20181011 | Bottlenose, TG | Arrow? | - | Birth | Adventure World Shirahama | - | - | - | U | asia, japan |
2018-xxx-xx | 20180930 | Bottlenose | Wendy | - | Unknown | Delfinario Cayo Guillermo | 2018-xxx-xx | 20170930 | - | U | caribbean, cuba, died |
2018-Sep-27 | 20180927 | Bottlenose, TG | Niha | A.I., Kairi | Birth | Kujukushima Aquarium | 2021-Sep-13 | 20210913 | Isle アイル | M | asia, japan, died |
2018-Sep-25 | 20180925 | Beluga | ??? | - | Birth | SeaWorld San Diego | 2018-Sep-25 | 20180925 | - | M | north america, united states, california, died |
2018-Sep-25 | 20180925 | Beluga | ??? | - | Birth | SeaWorld San Diego | 2018-Sep-25 | 20180925 | M | north america, united states, california, died | |
2018-Sep-22 | 20180922 | Killer Whale | Morgan | Keto? | Birth | Loro Parque | 2021-Aug-10 | 20210810 | Ula | F | europe, spain, died |
2018-Sep-07 | 20180907 | Bottlenose | Luna | Paco | Birth | Loro Parque | 2021-May-xx | 20210501 | Robin | M | europe, spain, died |
2018-Aug-08 | 20180818 | White-sided, Pacific | Alice | - | Birth | Adventure World Shirahama | 2018-Aug-10 | 20180810 | - | M | asia, japan, died |
2018-Aug-18 | 20180818 | Bottlenose, TG | Mei メイ | A.I., Athens | Stillborn | Tsukumi Dolphin Island | Stillborn | 20180818 | - | U | asia, japan |
2018-Aug-11 | 20180811 | Bottlenose | Sofi | A.I., Kenobi | Birth | Mirage Dolphin Habitat | - | - | Karli | F | north america, united states, nevada |
2018-Aug-08 | 20180808 | White-sided, Pacific | ??? | - | Birth | Adventure World Shirahama | 2018-Aug-13 | 20180813 | - | M | asia, japan, died |
2018-Jul-24 | 20180724 | Bottlenose | Tana | Mauricio | Birth | Delfinario Sonora | - | - | Moana | F | mexico |
2018-Jul-19 | 20180719 | Bottlenose, TG | Tina ティナ | Johnny | Birth | Shinagawa Aquarium | 2020-Feb-09 | 20200209 | Nina ニーナ | F | asia, japan, died |
2018-Jul-xx | 20180705 | Beluga | Osiris | - | Birth | Marineland Canada | - | - | Odin | M | canada |
2018-Jul-xx | 20180705 | Beluga | Aurora | - | Birth | Marineland Canada | - | - | Yukon | M | canada |
2018-Jul-xx | 20180705 | Beluga | Skyla | - | Birth | Marineland Canada | 2020-xxx-xx | 20200501 | Iquora | F | canada, died |
2018-Jul-04 | 20180704 | Beluga | Gemini | - | Birth | Marineland Canada | - | - | Calypso | F | canada |
2018-Jul-04 | 20180704 | Beluga | Kelowna | - | Birth | Marineland Canada | xxxx-xxx-xx | 20191231 | - | F | canada, died |
2018-Jun-30 | 20180630 | White-sided, Pacific | Loke | Li'i | Birth | Miami Seaquarium | 2024-Oct-xx | 20241001 | Elelo | M | north america, united states, florida, died |
2018-Jun-27 | 20180627 | Porpoise, Finless | Koharu コハル | Gow のゴウ | Birth | Miyajima Aquarium | 2021-Feb-24 | 20210224 | Seto | M | - |
2018-Jun-27 | 20180627 | Porpoise, Finless | Wild | Wild | Birth | Miyajima Aquarium | 2021-Feb-24 | 20210224 | Seto セト | M | asia, japan, died |
2018-Jun-26 | 20180626 | Bottlenose | Tsitsi | - | Birth | Batumi Aquarium | - | - | Batu | M | eastern europe |
2018-Jun-20 | 20180620 | Bottlenose | Flipper | - | Birth | Batumi Aquarium | - | - | U | eastern europe | |
2018-Jun-17 | 20180617 | Bottlenose, Black Sea | Penelope Пенелопа | - | Birth | NEMO Odessa | - | - | U | - | |
2018-Jun-09 | 20180609 | Bottlenose | Ariel | David | Birth | Kolmårdens Djurpark | - | - | Alana | F | europe, sweden |
2018-Jun-02 | 20180602 | Porpoise, Finless | Fuqi 福七 (F7) | - | Birth | Institute of Hydrobiology | - | - | U | - | |
2018-May-23 | 20180523 | White-sided, Pacific | Laura ローラ | Lupin | Birth | Kamogawa Sea World | - | - | El エル | M | asia, japan |
2018-May-17 | 20180517 | Bottlenose, Pacific | Lulu ルル | A.I., Tino | Birth | Nagoya Aquarium | - | - | Hal ハル | M | asia, japan |
2018-May-02 | 20180502 | Risso's | Niru ニール | Shiro | Birth | Taiji Whale Museum | 2018-May-22 | 20180522 | - | F | asia, japan, died |
2018-Apr-13 | 20180413 | Bottlenose | Noa | - | Birth | Zoo Madrid | - | - | Coral | F | europe, spain |
2018-Mar-17 | 20180317 | Bottlenose | Mary | Loren | Birth | Zoo Madrid | 2018-Mar-21 | 20180521 | - | U | europe, spain |
2018-Mar-17 | 20180317 | Spotted, Pantrop | Lira リラ | Nao ナオ | Birth | Okinawa Churaumi | 2018-Apr-11 | 20180411 | - | M | asia, japan, died |
2018-Feb-06 | 20180206 | Bottlenose, TG | Layla | J | Birth | Dolphins Pacific | - | - | Kei ケイ | F | oceania, palau |
2018-Jan-13 | 20180113 | Bottlenose | Alisa | - | Birth | NEMO Phuket | - | - | Nattya | U | - |
2018-Jan-04 | 20180104 | Bottlenose | Fenah | David | Birth | Kolmårdens Djurpark | - | - | Finn | M | europe, sweden |
Date | Date-Sort | Species | Mother | Father | Result | Facility / Born At: | Survived | Survival-Sort | Named: | Sex | Filter |
2017-Dec-xx | 20171231 | Bottlenose | Alegria | - | Birth | D. Discovery Cayman | - | - | Sherlock | M | caribbean, grand cayman |
2017-Dec-xx | 20171231 | Bottlenose | Alma | Al | Birth | D. Discovery Cayman | - | - | Macarena | F | caribbean, grand cayman |
2017-Nov-xx | 20171115 | Bottlenose, TG | Mani | Ninufa | Miscarriage | Motobu Genki Mura | Miscarriage | 20171130 | - | U | asia, japan |
2017-Nov-08 | 20171108 | Beluga | Qinu | Aurek | Stillborn | Georgia Aquarium | Stillborn | 20171108 | - | F | north america, united states, georgia, died |
2017-Oct-30 | 20171030 | Bottlenose | Panama | Sundance | Birth | Miami Seaquarium | 2019-Oct-07 | 20191007 | Boo | F | north america, united states, florida, died |
2017-Sep-xx | 20170930 | Bottlenose | Wendy | - | Unknown | Delfinario Cayo Guillermo | 2017-Sep-xx | 20170930 | - | U | caribbean, cuba, died |
2017-Sep-27 | 20170927 | Beluga | Eve | Tuk | Birth | Marineland Canada | 2025-Feb-05 | 20250205 | Eos | F | canada, died |
2017-Sep-23 | 20170923 | Bottlenose, Pacific | Winnie | - | Birth | Nagoya Aquarium | - | - | Happy ハッピー | F | asia, japan |
2017-Sep-21 | 20170921 | Bottlenose, Pacific | Orino | Riki | Birth | Kamogawa Sea World | - | - | Reed リード | M | asia, japan |
2017-Sep-17 | 20170917 | Beluga | Crissy | Imaq | Birth | SeaWorld San Antonio | - | - | Innik | M | north america, united states, texas |
2017-Sep-14 | 20170914 | Bottlenose, Pacific | Bibi | - | Birth | Nagoya Aquarium | 2017-Sep-15 | 20170915 | - | F | asia, japan, died |
2017-Aug-15 | 20170815 | Pseudorca | Momiji | Musashi | Birth | Adventure World Shirahama | 2017-Aug-22 | 20170822 | - | U | asia, japan, died |
2017-Jul-17 | 20170717 | Bottlenose | Huf-n-Puf | Lightning | Birth | Mirage Dolphin Habitat | - | - | Coco | F | north america, united states, nevada |
2017-Jul-05 | 20170705 | Bottlenose | Peta? | Sail | Birth | Aqua Park Shinagawa | - | - | Terra テラ | M | asia, japan |
2017-Jul-04 | 20170704 | Beluga | Whisper | Naluark | Birth | SeaWorld Orlando | 2017-Jul-04 | 20170704 | - | F | north america, united states, florida, died |
2017-Jun-29 | 20170629 | Bottlenose | Sally | Copernico | Birth | Dolphin Cove Cayman? | - | - | Patricia | F | - |
2017-Jun-25 | 20170625 | Bottlenose, TG | Palm | Ninufa | Birth | Motobu Genki Mura | - | - | Pluto プルート | M | asia, japan |
2017-Jun-18 | 20170618 | Bottlenose | Annie | - | Birth | U.S. Navy San Diego | - | - | RIV | F | north america, united states, california |
2017-Jun-13 | 20170613 | Bottlenose | Hornet | - | Birth | U.S. Navy San Diego | - | - | BRK | F | north america, united states, california |
2017-Jun-07 | 20170607 | Bottlenose | ?? | - | Birth | Balmoral Island | - | - | Justice | M | caribbean, bahamas |
2017-Jun-06 | 20170606 | Bottlenose | Naia | - | Birth | U.S. Navy San Diego | - | - | - | F | north america, united states, california |
2017-xxx-xx | 20170601 | Bottlenose | Luna | - | Birth | D. Discovery Cayman | - | - | Cronos | M | caribbean, grand cayman |
2017-May-30 | 20170530 | Porpoise, Harbor | Atsuko | - | Birth | Otaru Aquarium | 2017-Jun-12 | 20170612 | - | F | asia, japan, died |
2017-May-25 | 20170525 | Porpoise, Finless | Marin | Hatch | Birth | Toba Aquarium | - | - | Kokoro ココロ | F | asia, japan |
2017-May-23 | 20170523 | Pseudorca | Momo | Tida | Birth | Okinawa Churaumi | 2022-Jun-30 | 20220630 | Sun サン | M | asia, japan, died |
2017-May-17 | 20170517 | Commerson's | Ringer | - | Birth | Aquatica Orlando | 2017-May-20 | 20170520 | - | F | north america, united states, florida, died |
2017-May-14 | 20170514 | Bottlenose, TG | Saki | Athens | Birth | Tsukumi Dolphin Island | - | - | Tsubasa つばさ | M | asia, japan |
2017-Apr-19 | 20170419 | Killer Whale | Takara | Kyuquot | Birth | SeaWorld San Antonio | 2017-Jul-24 | 20170724 | Kyara | F | north america, united states, texas, died |
2017-Mar-07 | 20170307 | Bottlenose | Lucea | - | Birth | Dolphin Cove Cayman? | - | - | Tesla | F | - |
Date | Date-Sort | Species | Mother | Father | Result | Facility / Born At: | Survived | Survival-Sort | Named: | Sex | Filter |
2016-Dec-31 | 20161231 | Bottlenose, TG | Naga | Luster | Birth | Kagoshima Aquarium | - | - | Eve イブ | F | asia, japan |
2016-Dec-02 | 20161202 | Bottlenose | Hali’a? | - | Birth | Dolphin Quest Hawaii | 2016-Dec-09 | 20161209 | - | M | north america, united states, hawaii, died |
2016-Nov-24 | 20161124 | Bottlenose | Jessica | Alfonz | Birth | Dolphins Plus MMR | - | - | Jett | M | north america, united states, florida |
2016-Nov-20 | 20161120 | Bottlenose | Pele | - | Birth | Dolphin Quest Hawaii | - | - | Haukea | F | north america, united states, hawaii |
2016-Oct-02 | 20161002 | Bottlenose | GeeGee | Caiyo | Birth | Dolphin Academy Curaçao | - | - | Djoli | F | - |
2016-Sep-29 | 20160929 | Bottlenose | Roxy | Sunny | Birth | Marineland Florida | - | - | Surge | M | north america, united states, florida |
2016-Sep-25 | 20160925 | Bottlenose | Dinghy | Alfonz | Birth | Dolphins Plus MMR | - | - | Tug | M | north america, united states, florida |
2016-Sep-24 | 20160924 | Bottlenose, Pacific | Lulu | - | Birth | Nagoya Aquarium | 2016-Sep-28 | 20160928 | - | F | asia, japan, died |
2016-Sep-23 | 20160923 | Bottlenose, TG | ??? | Dan | Birth | Adventure World Shirahama | - | - | - | U | asia, japan |
2016-Sep-20 | 20160920 | Bottlenose, TG | Mamie | Kairi | Birth | Suma Aqualife | - | - | Rokumaru ロクマル | M | asia, japan |
2016-Sep-17 | 20160917 | Bottlenose | Kayena | Caiyo | Birth | Dolphin Academy Curaçao | - | - | Estrea | F | - |
2016-Sep-02 | 20160902 | Bottlenose | Kona | - | Birth | Dolphin Quest Hawaii | - | - | Kekoa | M | north america, united states, hawaii |
2016-Aug-21 | 20160821 | Bottlenose, Pacific | Coco | - | Birth | Nagoya Aquarium | - | - | Sora ソラ | M | asia, japan |
2016-Aug-14 | 20160814 | Bottlenose | Stella | Rascal? | Birth | Discovery Cove | 2016-Oct-15 | 20161015 | Star | F | north america, united states, florida, died |
2016-Aug-14 | 20160814 | Bottlenose, TG | Popo | Sasuke | Birth | Shimoda Aquarium | - | - | Leo レオ | M | asia, japan |
2016-Aug-11 | 20160811 | Beluga | Luna | Imaq | Birth | SeaWorld San Antonio | - | - | Kenai | M | north america, united states, texas |
2016-Aug-07 | 20160807 | Bottlenose | Nueces | Scott | Birth | Discovery Cove | 2016-Nov-29 | 20161129 | Nero | M | north america, united states, florida, died |
2016-Aug-06 | 20160806 | Backcross | Calypso | C.J. | Birth | Discovery Cove | - | - | Titan | M | north america, united states, florida |
2016-Aug-05 | 20160805 | Commerson's | Lala | Kai | Birth | Toba Aquarium | 2019-Jun-14 | 20190614 | Rio リオ | M | asia, japan, died |
2016-Jul-31 | 20160731 | Bottlenose, TG | Lana | - | Birth | Kinosaki Marine World | - | - | Liv リヴ | U | asia, japan |
2016-xxx-xx | 20160725 | Beluga | Caspian | Andre or Kodiak | Birth | Marineland Canada | xxxx-xxx-xx | 20191231 | Aslan | M | canada, died |
2016-Jul-21 | 20160721 | Bottlenose, Pacific | Winnie | - | Birth | Nagoya Aquarium | 2016-Jul-22 | 20260722 | - | F | asia, japan, died |
2016-Jul-21 | 20160721 | Beluga | Peekachu | Andre or Kodiak | Birth | Marineland Canada | - | - | Balor | M | canada |
2016-Jul-18 | 20160718 | Beluga | Meeka | Andre or Kodiak | Birth | Marineland Canada | - | - | Jasper | M | canada |
2016-xxx-xx | 20160716 | Beluga | Cleopatra | Andre or Kodiak | Birth | Marineland Canada | - | - | Cyprus | M | canada |
2016-Jul-15 | 20160715 | Beluga | Sierra | Andre or Kodiak | Birth | Marineland Canada | xxxx-xxx-xx | 20191231 | Bull | M | canada, died |
2016-Jul-15 | 20160715 | Beluga | Jubilee | Andre or Kodiak | Birth | Marineland Canada | 2017-xxx-xx | 20171231 | Bubba | M | canada, died |
2016-Jul-13 | 20160713 | Bottlenose, TG | Pocha | - | Birth | Unknown | xxxx-xxx-xx | 20191231 | Niche ニッチ | M | asia, japan, died |
2016-Jul-10 | 20160710 | Beluga | Xena | Andre or Kodiak | Birth | Marineland Canada | xxxx-xxx-xx | 20191231 | Artemis | F | canada, died |
2016-Jul-08 | 20160708 | Bottlenose | Lily | Sunny | Birth | Marineland Florida | - | - | Oli | M | north america, united states, florida |
2016-Jul-07 | 20160707 | Bottlenose, TG | Leo | - | Birth | Motobu Genki Mura | - | - | Luna ルナ | F | asia, japan |
2016-Jun-22 | 20160622 | Bottlenose, TG | ??? | - | Birth | Adventure World Shirahama | - | - | - | M | asia, japan |
2016-Jun-06 | 20160606 | Beluga | Kururu | Tororo | Birth | Hakkeijima Sea Paradise | 2016-Sep-21 | 20160921 | - | M | asia, japan, died |
2016-May-29 | 20160529 | Bottlenose | Fiona | Ken? | Birth | Balmoral Island | 2023-Dec-xx | 20231231 | Divine | M | caribbean, bahamas |
2016-May-21 | 20160521 | Bottlenose, TG | Sky | - | Birth | Shimoda Aquarium | 2016-Jun-03 | 20160603 | - | U | asia, japan, died |
2016-May-12 | 20160512 | Bottlenose, TG | Tiara | Dan | Birth | Shimonoseki Kaikyokan | 2016-Sep-13 | 20160913 | - | M | asia, japan, died |
2016-May-01 | 20160501 | Bottlenose | Coho | - | Birth | U.S. Navy San Diego | - | - | STO | F | north america, united states, california |
2016-Apr-18 | 20160418 | White-sided, Pacific | Katrl | Li'i | Birth | Shedd Aquarium | 2019-Dec-11 | 20191211 | Kukdlaa | M | north america, united states, illinois, died |
2016-Apr-10 | 20160410 | Bottlenose, TG | Arca | Dan | Birth | Shimonoseki Kaikyokan | - | - | Port ポート | M | asia, japan |
2016-Mar-26 | 20160326 | Bottlenose, TG | Lana | Dan | Birth | Shimonoseki Kaikyokan | - | - | Luna ルナ | F | asia, japan |
2016-Mar-23 | 20160323 | Porpoise, Finless | Koharu | Gow | Birth | Miyajima Aquarium | - | - | Chiharu チハル | F | asia, japan |
2016-Feb-08 | 20160208 | Bottlenose | Luna | Nate | Birth | Gulf World | - | - | Soleil | F | north america, united states, florida |
Date | Date-Sort | Species | Mother | Father | Result | Facility / Born At: | Survived | Survival-Sort | Named: | Sex | Filter |
2015-Dec-30 | 20151230 | Bottlenose | ??? | Kimo? | Birth | Indianapolis Zoo | 2015-Dec-30 | 20151230 | - | M | north america, united states, indiana, died |
2015-Oct-xx | 20151023 | Bottlenose | Dot | - | Birth | Dolphin Encounters | - | - | Dilly | U | - |
2015-Oct-xx | 20151020 | Bottlenose | Aunty V | - | Birth | Dolphin Encounters | - | - | Finn | M | - |
2015-Oct-18 | 20151018 | Bottlenose | Tobie | A.I., Fathom | Birth | SeaWorld San Diego | - | - | Sara | F | north america, united states, california |
2015-Oct-18 | 20151018 | Bottlenose, TG | Maru マール | Luster | Birth | Kagoshima Aquarium | 2016-Jun-30 | 20160630 | Kanna カンナ | F | asia, japan, died |
2015-Oct-xx | 20151003 | Bottlenose | ??? | - | Birth | Dolphin Explorer | - | - | Cosmo | M | - |
2015-Oct-xx | 20151002 | Bottlenose | ??? | - | Birth | Dolphin Explorer | - | - | Zeus | M | - |
2015-Oct-xx | 20151001 | Bottlenose | ??? | - | Birth | Dolphin Explorer | - | - | Siana | F | - |
2015-Sep-26 | 20150926 | Bottlenose, TG | Sugar | - | Birth | Motobu Genki Mura | 2018-Jan-xx | 20180131 | Sun - | M | asia, japan, died |
2015-Sep-08 | 20150908 | Bottlenose | Alma | Al | Birth | D. Discovery Cayman | - | - | Joy | F | caribbean, grand cayman |
2015-Sep-04 | 20150904 | Bottlenose | Baily | - | Birth | U.S. Navy San Diego | - | - | ZPR | M | north america, united states, california |
2015-Sep-02 | 20150902 | Bottlenose | Shaka | Sunny | Birth | Marineland Florida | - | - | Boomer | M | north america, united states, florida |
2015-Aug-25 | 20150825 | Bottlenose, TG | Tenten | Luster | Stillborn | Kagoshima Aquarium | Stillborn | 20150825 | - | U | asia, japan |
2015-Aug-10 | 20150810 | Beluga | Secord | - | Birth | Marineland Canada | 2021-Aug-06 | 20210806 | Havok | M | canada, died |
2015-Aug-09 | 20150809 | Commerson's | Stella | Kai | Birth | Toba Aquarium | - | - | Light ライト | M | asia, japan |
2015-Jul-30 | 20150730 | Beluga | Rain | - | Birth | Marineland Canada | 2015-Jul-30 | 20150730 | R1 | M | canada, died |
2015-Jul-24 | 20150724 | Bottlenose | Nica | Alfonz | Birth | Dolphins Plus Bayside | - | - | Nyla | F | north america, united states, florida |
2015-Jul-21 | 20150721 | Beluga | Lillooet | - | Birth | Marineland Canada | 2024-xxx-xx | 20240301 | Nahanni | F | canada, died |
2015-Jul-18 | 20150718 | White-sided, Pacific | Loke | Li'i | Birth | Miami Seaquarium | - | - | Ipo | M | north america, united states, florida |
2015-Jul-17 | 20150717 | Beluga | Gemini | - | Birth | Marineland Canada | xxxx-xxx-xx | 20151231 | G6 | U | canada, died |
2015-Jul-xx | 20150715 | Bottlenose, TG | Mani | - | Miscarriage | Motobu Genki Mura | Miscarriage | 20150715 | - | U | asia, japan |
2015-Jul-14 | 20150714 | Bottlenose | Samantha | Kimbit | Birth | Dolphins Plus Bayside | - | - | Luna | F | north america, united states, florida |
2015-Jul-13 | 20150713 | Beluga | Kelowna | Andre | Birth | Marineland Canada | 2022-Feb-11 | 20220211 | Havana | F | canada, died |
2015-Jul-12 | 20150712 | Bottlenose | Casique | - | Birth | Marineland Florida | 2015-Jul-25 | 20150725 | - | F | north america, united states, florida, died |
2015-Jun-30 | 20150630 | Bottlenose, TG | Thira | Rios | Birth | Minamichita Beachland | 2019-Mar-04 | 20190304 | Tiga ティガ | M | asia, japan, died |
2015-Jun-20 | 20150620 | Beluga | Martha | Imaq | Birth | SeaWorld San Antonio | 2015-Jul-12 | 20150712 | - | F | north america, united states, texas, died |
2015-Jun-17 | 20150617 | White-sided, Pacific | Diana | Sky | Birth | Kamogawa Sea World | - | - | Tia ティア | F | asia, japan |
2015-Jun-15 | 20150615 | Bottlenose | Mako | - | Birth | U.S. Navy San Diego | - | - | SPO | M | north america, united states, california |
2015-Jun-10 | 20150610 | Bottlenose | Snapper | - | Birth | U.S. Navy San Diego | - | - | TSU | F | north america, united states, california |
2015-Jun-01 | 20150601 | White-sided, Pacific | Piquet | Li'i | Birth | Shedd Aquarium | - | - | Makoa | M | north america, united states, illinois |
2015-May-23 | 20150523 | Porpoise, Finless | Canna | Misaki | Birth | Shimonoseki Kaikyokan | - | - | Ice あいす | M | asia, japan |
2015-May-15 | 20150515 | Porpoise, Harbor | Atsuko | - | Birth | Otaru Aquarium | 2015-May-15 | 20150515 | - | U | asia, japan, died |
2015-May-10 | 20150510 | Beluga | Maris | Beethoven | Birth | Georgia Aquarium | 2015-Jun-05 | 20150605 | - | F | north america, united states, georgia, died |
2015-Apr-29 | 20150429 | Bottlenose | Lily | Sebastian | Birth | Gulfarium | - | - | Kaya | F | north america, united states, florida |
2015-Apr-24 | 20150424 | Bottlenose | Kalei | Kimo | Birth | Indianapolis Zoo | - | - | Calypso | F | north america, united states, indiana |
2015-Apr-xx | 20150401 | Bottlenose | Delilah | - | Unknown | Gulfarium | Unknown | 20150430 | - | U | north america, united states, florida |
2015-Mar-30 | 20150330 | Bottlenose | Caliban | A.I., Deke | Birth | Dolphin Quest Bermuda | - | - | Nola | F | caribbean, bermuda |
2015-Feb-24 | 20150224 | Bottlenose | Calusa | A.I., Razzle | Birth | Dolphin Research Center | - | - | Cacica | F | north america, united states, florida |
2015-Feb-21 | 20150221 | Bottlenose | Pandora | A.I., Pacino | Birth | Dolphin Research Center | - | - | Atocha | F | north america, united states, florida |
2015-Feb-13 | 20150213 | Bottlenose | Calli | - | Miscarriage | SeaWorld Orlando | Miscarriage | 20150213 | Calli's Twin 1 | U | north america, united states, florida |
2015-Feb-13 | 20150213 | Bottlenose | Calli | - | Miscarriage | SeaWorld Orlando | Miscarriage | 20150213 | Calli's Twin 2 | U | north america, united states, florida |
2015-Feb-05 | 20150205 | Bottlenose | Yoshe | A.I., Deke | Birth | Six Flags Discovery Kingdom | - | - | Apollo | M | north america, united states, california |
Date | Date-Sort | Species | Mother | Father | Result | Facility / Born At: | Survived | Survival-Sort | Named: | Sex | Filter |
2014-Dec-21 | 20141221 | Bottlenose | Renata | Papito | Birth | Dolphin Academy Curaçao | xxxx-xxx-xx | 20211105 | Tulum | M | - |
2014-Dec-16 | 20141216 | Bottlenose | Allie | Chinook | Birth | Brookfield Zoo | 2018-Jun-02 | 20180602 | Maxine | F | north america, united states, illinois, died |
2014-Dec-15 | 20141215 | Bottlenose | Tracey | - | Birth | Atlantis Bahamas | 2015-Dec-01 | 20151201 | Blue | M | caribbean, bahamas, died |
2014-Dec-12 | 20141212 | Bottlenose | Allison | Chinook | Birth | Brookfield Zoo | 2014-Dec-19 | 20141219 | - | M | north america, united states, illinois, died |
2014-Dec-05 | 20141205 | Bottlenose | Noelani | Chinook | Birth | Brookfield Zoo | 2014-Dec-05 | 20141205 | - | M | north america, united states, illinois, died |
2014-Dec-02 | 20141202 | Killer Whale | Kalia | Ulises | Birth | SeaWorld San Diego | 2021-Aug-19 | 20210819 | Amaya | F | north america, united states, california, died |
2014-Nov-21 | 20141121 | Bottlenose, TG | Sky | - | Birth | Shimoda Aquarium | xxxx-xxx-xx | 20141231 | - | U | asia, japan, died |
2014-Nov-17 | 20141117 | Bottlenose | Miss Merlin | - | Birth | Dolphin Encounters | - | - | Zig | F | - |
2014-Oct-28 | 20141028 | Bottlenose, TG | Mikan | - | Stillborn | Shimoda Aquarium | Stillborn | 20141028 | - | U | asia, japan |
2014-Oct-27 | 20141027 | Bottlenose | Nina | - | Birth | Dolphin Encounters | - | - | Coral | F | - |
2014-Oct-26 | 20141026 | Bottlenose | Soca | - | Birth | Dolphin Encounters | - | - | Marino | M | - |
2014-Oct-25 | 20141025 | Bottlenose | Maia | A.I., ??? | Birth | Gulf World | 2018-Sep-23 | 20180923 | Angel | F | north america, united states, florida, died |
2014-Oct-12 | 20141012 | Bottlenose | Hornet | - | Birth | U.S. Navy San Diego | - | - | COM | U | north america, united states, california |
2014-Oct-08 | 20141008 | Bottlenose | Pele | - | Birth | U.S. Navy San Diego | - | - | - | F | north america, united states, california |
2014-Oct-04 | 20141004 | Bottlenose | Mu | - | Birth | U.S. Navy San Diego | - | - | Eclipse | M | north america, united states, california |
2014-Sep-24 | 20140924 | Bottlenose | Lil | - | Birth | Dolphin Explorer | - | - | Xuna | F | - |
2014-Sep-06 | 20140906 | Bottlenose | Samantha | - | Birth | Miami Seaquarium | - | - | Gemini | F | north america, united states, florida |
2014-Sep-02 | 20140902 | Bottlenose | Squirt | Bob | Birth | Dolphins Plus MMR | - | - | Dalai | F | north america, united states, florida |
2014-Aug-31 | 20140831 | Bottlenose, Pacific | Zero | Tino? | Birth | Nagoya Aquarium | 2019-Oct-04 | 20191004 | Kai カイ | M | asia, japan, died |
2014-Aug-23 | 20140823 | White-sided, Pacific | Arch | Crew | Birth | Osaka Kaiyukan | 2015-Nov-05 | 20151105 | Surf サーフ | M | asia, japan, died |
2014-Aug-08 | 20140808 | Bottlenose, TG | Naga | Luster | Birth | Kagoshima Aquarium | 2014-Aug-08 | 20140808 | - | U | asia, japan, died |
2014-Aug-06 | 20140806 | Porpoise, Finless | Chobo | Hatch | Birth | Toba Aquarium | - | - | Hello ハロー | M | asia, japan |
2014-Aug-02 | 20140802 | Bottlenose | Rioux | - | Birth | Miami Seaquarium | 2018-Sep-20 | 20180920 | Bali | F | north america, united states, florida, died |
2014-Jul-29 | 20140729 | Bottlenose | ?? | - | Birth | D. Discovery Isla Mujeres | - | - | Platon | M | north america, mexico |
2014-Jul-27 | 20140727 | Beluga | Arya | Kelya | Birth | AQUAS | - | - | Mirya ミーリャ | F | asia, japan |
2014-Jul-23 | 20140723 | Beluga | Acadia | - | Birth | Marineland Canada | - | - | Sahara | F | canada |
2014-Jul-21 | 20140721 | Beluga | Rose | - | Birth | Marineland Canada | xxxx-xxx-xx | 20191231 | Ivy | F | canada, died |
2014-Jul-20 | 20140720 | Beluga | Aurora | Kodiak | Birth | Marineland Canada | 2023-Dec-11 | 20231211 | Kharabali | F | canada, died |
2014-Jul-18 | 20140718 | Bottlenose | Ritiña | Romeo | Birth | Dolphin Academy Curaçao | - | - | Suku | F | - |
2014-Jul-17 | 20140717 | Beluga | Skyla | - | Birth | Marineland Canada | - | - | Jetta | F | canada |
2014-Jul-12 | 20140712 | Beluga | Isis | - | Birth | Marineland Canada | xxxx-xxx-xx | 20201231 | Titan | M | canada, died |
2014-Jul-03 | 20140703 | Porpoise, Finless | Marin | Hatch | Birth | Toba Aquarium | 2016-Sep-15 | 20160915 | Karin カリン or 華輪 | F | asia, japan, died |
2014-Jun-27 | 20140627 | Rough-toothed | Doris | Astro | Birth | Gulf World | 2014-Jul-25 | 20140725 | - | M | north america, united states, florida, died |
2014-Jun-11 | 20140611 | Risso's | Lip? | Bino | Birth | Adventure World Shirahama | 2014-Jun-12 | 20140612 | - | U | asia, japan, died |
2014-Jun-03 | 20140603 | Bottlenose | Yoyo | Scotia | Birth | SeaWorld San Antonio | - | - | Yuri | F | north america, united states, texas |
2014-Jun-03 | 20140603 | Bottlenose | Nacha | Brady | Birth | SeaWorld San Antonio | 2015-Mar-04 | 20150304 | - | F | north america, united states, texas, died |
2014-May-22 | 20140522 | Bottlenose | Dazzle | Zac | Birth | Marineland Florida | - | - | Coquina | F | north america, united states, florida |
2014-May-xx | 20140501 | Bottlenose | Katelyn | - | Birth | Atlantis Bahamas | - | - | Kalik | U | caribbean, bahamas |
2014-Apr-30 | 20140430 | Bottlenose | Xtabay | - | Birth | Atlantis Bahamas | - | - | Xuma? | M? | caribbean, bahamas |
2014-Apr-21 | 20140421 | Bottlenose | Bossa | - | Stillborn | SeaWorld Orlando | Stillborn | 20140421 | - | U | north america, united states, florida |
2014-Apr-11 | 20140411 | Bottlenose | Panama | Sundance | Birth | Miami Seaquarium | - | - | Calypso | F | north america, united states, florida |
2014-Apr-05 | 20140405 | Bottlenose | Ely | A.I., ?? | Birth | Dolphin Quest Bermuda | - | - | Devon | F | - |
2014-Apr-02 | 20140402 | Bottlenose | Megara | - | Birth | Atlantis Bahamas | - | - | ??? | U | caribbean, bahamas |
2014-Apr-xx | 20140401 | Bottlenose | Lily | Sebastian | Birth | Gulfarium | 2014-Apr-xx | 20140430 | - | U | north america, united states, florida, died |
2014-Mar-31 | 20140331 | Bottlenose | Ariel | Jag | Birth | SeaWorld Orlando | - | - | Archer | M | north america, united states, florida |
2014-Mar-31 | 20140331 | Bottlenose | Baily | A.I., Pax | Birth | Dolphin Quest Bermuda | - | - | Brighton | F | - |
2014-Mar-29 | 20140329 | Bottlenose | Naia | Jag | Birth | SeaWorld Orlando | - | - | Nigel | M | north america, united states, florida |
2014-Mar-18 | 20140318 | Bottlenose | Natalie | A.I., Belle | Birth | Discovery Cove | - | - | Isadora | F | north america, united states, florida |
2014-Mar-17 | 20140317 | Bottlenose | Ping | Semo | Birth | Six Flags Discovery Kingdom | 2014-Mar-28 | 20140328 | - | M | north america, united states, california, died |
2014-Mar-xx | 20140301 | Bottlenose | Delilah | Sebastian | Stillborn | Gulfarium | Stillborn | 20140301 | - | U | north america, united states, florida |
2014-Feb-12 | 20140212 | Bottlenose | Rose | A.I., Scotia | Birth | Discovery Cove | - | - | Prim | F | north america, united states, florida |
2014-Feb-01 | 20140201 | Bottlenose, TG | Aoi | Regulus | Birth | Taiji Whale Museum | - | - | Leo レオ | M | asia, japan |
2014-Jan-09 | 20140109 | Bottlenose | Bella | Semo | Birth | Six Flags Discovery Kingdom | 2014-Apr-18 | 20140418 | Mirabella | F | north america, united states, california, died |
2014-Jan-xx | 20131206 | Bottlenose | Mattie | Scotia | Stillborn? | SeaWorld San Antonio | Stillborn? | 20140130 | - | U | north america, united states, texas |
Date | Date-Sort | Species | Mother | Father | Result | Facility / Born At: | Survived | Survival-Sort | Named: | Sex | Filter |
2013-Dec-06 | 20131206 | Killer Whale | Takara | A.I, Kshamenk | Birth | SeaWorld San Antonio | - | - | Kamea | F | north america, united states, texas |
2013-Nov-25 | 20131125 | Bottlenose | Nikki | A.I., Belle | Birth | Theater of the Sea | - | - | Krystle | F | north america, united states, florida |
2013-Nov-13 | 20131113 | Killer Whale | Stella | Bingo | Birth | Nagoya Aquarium | - | - | Lynn リン | F | asia, japan |
2013-Nov-12 | 20131112 | Bottlenose | Jacki | - | Birth | Atlantis Bahamas | - | - | Rose | F | caribbean, bahamas |
2013-Nov-12 | 20131112 | Bottlenose | Merina | A.I., Fathom | Birth | Dolphin Research Center | - | - | Windley | F | north america, united states, florida |
2013-Nov-12 | 20131112 | Bottlenose | Kolohe | Crunch | Birth | SeaWorld San Diego | - | - | Lanikai | F | north america, united states, california |
2013-Nov-06 | 20131106 | Bottlenose | Aleta | A.I., Gilly | Birth | Dolphin Research Center | - | - | Diva | F | north america, united states, florida |
2013-Oct-28 | 20131028 | Bottlenose | Spree | Chinook | Birth | Brookfield Zoo | 2020-Dec-16 | 20201216 | Magic | M | north america, united states, illinois, died |
2013-Oct-18 | 20131018 | Bottlenose | Cayla | Kaholo | Birth | Dolphin Experience | xxx-xxx-xx | 20181231 | Coco | M | - |
2013-Oct-16 | 20131016 | Bottlenose | Tapeko | Chinook | Birth | Brookfield Zoo | - | - | Merlin | M | north america, united states, illinois |
2013-Oct-14 | 20131014 | Bottlenose | Hali'a | - | Birth | Dolphin Quest Hawaii | 2013-Oct-01 | 20131001 | - | U | north america, united states, hawaii, died |
2013-Oct-03 | 20131003 | Bottlenose | Princess | Jake | Birth | Dolphin Encounters | - | - | Ludwig | M | - |
2013-Sep-15 | 20130915 | Bottlenose, Pacific | Anne | - | Birth | Nagoya Aquarium | - | - | Yu ユウ | F | asia, japan |
2013-Aug-28 | 20130828 | Bottlenose, TG | Palm | - | Birth | Motobu Genki Mura | 2013-Aug-31 | 20130831 | - | U | asia, japan, died |
2013-Aug-25 | 20130825 | Bottlenose | ??? | - | Birth | Dolphins Plus MMR | 2013-Aug-28 | 20130828 | - | M | north america, united states, florida, died |
2013-Aug-08 | 20130808 | Beluga | Cleopatra | - | Birth | Marineland Canada | 2016-xxx-xx | 20160101 | Yara | F | canada, died |
2013-Aug-02 | 20130802 | Bottlenose | Allie | Semo | Birth | Brookfield Zoo | 2013-Aug-08 | 20130808 | - | F | north america, united states, illinois, died |
2013-Jul-28 | 20130728 | Beluga | Peekachu | - | Birth | Marineland Canada | 2020-xxx-xx | 20200930 | Penny-Wink | F | canada, died |
2013-Jul-26 | 20130726 | Beluga | Crissy | Imaq | Birth | SeaWorld San Antonio | 2015-Nov-13 | 20151113 | Stella | F | north america, united states, texas, died |
2013-Jul-09 | 20130709 | Beluga | Luna | Imaq | Birth | SeaWorld San Antonio | - | - | Samson | M | north america, united states, texas |
2013-Jul-04 | 20130704 | Bottlenose, Pacific | Mel | Mars | Birth | Kamogawa Sea World | - | - | Pop ポップ | F | asia, japan |
2013-Jul-xx | 20130701 | Beluga | Kelowna | - | Birth | Marineland Canada | 2013/2014 | 20131231 | - | M | canada, died |
2013-Jul-xx | 20130701 | Beluga | Meeka | Tuk | Birth | Marineland Canada | xxxx-xxx-xx | 20191231 | Ruby | F | canada, died |
2013-Jun-23 | 20130623 | Bottlenose, Pacific | Sunny | Mars | Birth | Kamogawa Sea World | - | - | Light ライト | M | asia, japan |
2013-Jun-21 | 20130621 | Bottlenose | Griffith | - | Birth | SeaWorld Orlando | - | - | Gertrude | F | north america, united states, florida |
2013-Jun-14 | 20130614 | Beluga | Kururu | Tororo | Stillborn | Hakkeijima Sea Paradise | Stillborn | 20130614 | - | U | asia, japan |
2013-Jun-03 | 20130603 | Bottlenose | Nica | - | Birth | Dolphins Plus Bayside | 2013-Jun-05 | 20130605 | - | M | north america, united states, florida, died |
2013-Jun-03 | 20130603 | Bottlenose | Brinnon | Zac | Birth | Gulf World | 2021-Mar-19 | 20210319 | Mako | M | north america, united states, florida, died |
2013-Jun-xx | 20130601 | Bottlenose | Calli | - | Stillborn | SeaWorld Orlando | Stillborn | 20130630 | - | U | north america, united states, florida |
2013-May-30 | 20130530 | Bottlenose | Roxette | Copan | Birth | Dolphin Academy Curaçao | xxxx-xxx-xx | 20141231 | Ukit | F | - |
2013-May-29 | 20130529 | Commerson's | Sarah | Bonn | Birth | Marinepia Matsushima | 2019-Jan-24 | 20190124 | Tsubasa ツバサ | M | asia, japan, died |
2013-May-22 | 20130522 | Bottlenose | Indie | Zac | Birth | Gulf World | - | - | Zeke | M | north america, united states, florida |
2013-May-16 | 20130516 | Bottlenose | Sandy | Zac | Birth | Gulf World | - | - | Capri | F | north america, united states, florida |
2013-May-15 | 20130515 | Porpoise, Finless | Nico | Go | Birth | Miyajima Aquarium | - | - | Strawberry イチゴ | F | asia, japan |
2013-May-11 | 20130511 | Bottlenose, Pacific | Zero | - | Birth | Nagoya Aquarium | 2013-May-15 | 20130515 | - | M | asia, japan, died |
2013-May-10 | 20130510 | Bottlenose, TG | Cheek | Luster | Birth | Kagoshima Aquarium | 2019-Mar-08 | 20190308 | May メイ | F | asia, japan, died |
2013-May-02 | 20130502 | Porpoise, Finless | Marin | Hatch | Birth | Toba Aquarium | - | - | Lynn リン | F | asia, japan |
2013-Apr-13 | 20130413 | Porpoise, Finless | Wild | Wild | Birth | Miyajima Aquarium | 2013-Apr-21 | 20130421 | - | U | asia, japan, died |
2013-Mar-25 | 20130325 | Bottlenose | Naia | - | Birth | Atlantis Bahamas | - | - | Tiko | M? | caribbean, bahamas |
2013-Feb-28 | 20130228 | Bottlenose, TG | Naga | Luster | Stillborn | Kagoshima Aquarium | Stillborn | 20130228 | - | U | asia, japan |
2013-Feb-25 | 20130225 | Bottlenose | Kendall | Lester | Birth | Discovery Cove | - | - | Finn | M | north america, united states, florida |
2013-Feb-14 | 20130214 | Killer Whale | Kasatka | A.I., Kshamenk | Birth | SeaWorld San Diego | - | - | Makani | M | north america, united states, california |
2013-Feb-11 | 20130211 | Bottlenose | Elektra | - | Birth | Atlantis Bahamas | - | - | ??? | U | caribbean, bahamas |
2013-Jan-18 | 20130118 | Bottlenose | Allegria | - | Birth | D. Discovery Cayman | - | - | Lucky | M | caribbean, grand cayman |