The tables below reflect captive breeding results for all cetacean species. Once a birth occurs, a note to the calf’s name, gender and survival will be made as soon as the information is available. Dates recorded in the “Survived” column indicate that a live-born calf has died on the date listed. The data is also color coded with live births in blue, deaths in red and unsuccessful pregnancies in purple. Unsuccessful pregnancies include stillbirths, miscarriages and unknown results.
To view other years, click the links, collapse the current year, or on mobile, scroll down.
2025 • 2024 • 2023 • 2022 • 2021 • 2020 • 2019 • 2018 • 2017 • 2016 • 2015
Date | Date-Sort | Species | Mother | Father | Result | Facility / Born At: | Survived | Survival-Sort | Named: | Sex | Filter |
2025-xxx-xx | 20250601 | Bottlenose | ?? | - | Pregnancy | SeaWorld San Diego | - | - | - | - | north america, united states, california |
2025-xxx-xx | 20250601 | Bottlenose | ?? | - | Pregnancy | SeaWorld San Diego | - | - | - | - | north america, united states, california |
2025-May-xx | 20250530 | Bottlenose | Allie | - | Pregnancy | Brookfield Zoo | - | - | - | - | north america, united states, illinois |
2025-Feb-xx | 20250215 | Bottlenose | Maru マール | - | Pregnancy | Brookfield Zoo | - | - | - | - | north america, united states, illinois |
Date | Date-Sort | Species | Mother | Father | Result | Facility / Born At: | Survived | Survival-Sort | Named: | Sex | Filter |
2024-Dec-16 | 20241216 | Bottlenose | Wendy | - | Live Birth | Delfinario Cayo Guillermo | - | - | - | U | caribbean, cuba |
2024-Nov-01 | 20241101 | Bottlenose | ?? | - | Live Birth | SeaWorld San Diego | 2024-Nov-01 | 20241101 | - | M | north america, united states, california, died |
2024-Oct-27 | 20241027 | Bottlenose, TG | Luna ルナ | Shikamaru | Live Birth | Marine World Uminonakamichi | - | - | Stella ステラ | F | asia, japan |
2024-Oct-19 | 20241019 | Bottlenose, TG | Sky スカイ | Joy | Live Birth | Shimoda Aquarium | - | - | - | U | asia, japan |
2024-Oct-02 | 20241002 | Bottlenose, TG | Winnie ウィニー | A.I., ?? | Live Birth | Nagoya Aquarium | - | - | - | M | asia, japan |
2024-Sep-10 | 20240910 | Bottlenose, TP | Gela Гела | Dania | Live Birth | Medical Center "Ocean" | - | - | - | U | russia |
2024-xxx-xx | 20240901 | Bottlenose | Bailey | - | Live Birth | RIMS Honduras | - | - | - | U | caribbean, honduras |
2024-Aug-29 | 20240829 | Bottlenose, TG | Areca アレか | - | Live Birth | Hakkeijima Sea Paradise | - | - | - | F | asia, japan |
2024-Aug-26 | 20240826 | Bottlenose, TG | Octo 옥토 | - | Live Birth | Geoje Sea World | 2024-Sep-08 | 20240908 | - | U | south korea, died |
2024-Aug-23 | 20240823 | White-sided, Pacific | Tia ティア | - | Live Birth | Kamogawa Sea World | - | - | - | F | asia, japan |
2024-Aug-18 | 20240818 | Bottlenose, TG | Mery メリー | Rocky | Live Birth | Otaru Aquarium | - | - | Renka | F | asia, japan |
2024-Aug-08 | 20240808 | White-sided, Pacific | Diana ディアナ | - | Live Birth | Kamogawa Sea World | - | - | - | M | asia, japan |
2024-Aug-07 | 20240807 | Bottlenose, TG | Loop ループ | - | Live Birth | Hakkeijima Sea Paradise | - | - | - | F | asia, japan |
2024-Jul-24 | 20240724 | Beluga | Naya | - | Live Birth | Shedd Aquarium | - | - | - | M | north america, united states, illinois |
2024-Jul-21 | 20240721 | Bottlenose, TG | Rabin ラビン | - | Live Birth | Hakkeijima Sea Paradise | - | - | - | F | asia, japan |
2024-Jul-08 | 20240708 | White-sided, Pacific | Ohana | - | Live Birth | SeaWorld San Antonio | - | - | Mai'a | F | north america, united states, texas |
2024-Jul-06 | 20240706 | Bottlenose, TP | Bullet Пуля | - | Live Birth | Moskvarium | - | - | - | M | russia |
2024-Jun-28 | 20240628 | Beluga | Luna | - | Live Birth | SeaWorld San Antonio | - | - | Rurik | M | north america, united states, texas |
2024-Jun-26 | 20240626 | White-sided, Pacific | Piquet | ??? | Live Birth | SeaWorld San Antonio | 2024-Aug-01 | 20240801 | - | F | north america, united states, texas, died |
2024-May-17 | 20240517 | Bottlenose, TP | Zakharka Захарка | - | Live Birth | Arkhipo-Osipovsky Dolphinarium | 2024-Oct-19 | 20241019 | Zakhar | ? | russia, died |
2024-May-03 | 20240503 | White-sided, Pacific | Sango サンゴ | Jack or Nick | Live Birth | Marine World Uminonakamichi | - | - | Jugo ジューゴ | M | asia, japan |
2024-Apr-02 | 20240402 | Bottlenose | Arangi 아랑이 | Taiji | Live Birth | Geoje Sea World | - | - | - | U | south korea |
2024-Mar-29 | 20240329 | Bottlenose | Momo モモ | Nick ニック | Live Birth | Aqua World Oarai | - | - | - | F | asia, japan |
2024-Mar-29 | 20240329 | Bottlenose | Damara | - | Live Birth | Discovery Cove | - | - | Dahlia | F | north america, united states, florida |
2024-Mar-08 | 20240308 | Bottlenose, TG | Chen Chen | Breeze | Live Birth | Delfinariu Constanta | 2024-Jul-xx | 20240722 | Baby | M | europe, romania, died |
Date | Date-Sort | Species | Mother | Father | Result | Facility / Born At: | Survived | Survival-Sort | Named: | Sex | Filter |
2023-Nov-02 | 20231102 | Bottlenose | Shaka | - | Live Birth | Marineland Florida | 2023-Nov-02 | 20231102 | - | F | north america, united states, florida, died |
2023-Jul-16 | 20230716 | Bottlenose | Mark 마크 | - | Live Birth | Geoje Sea World | - | - | Milo 마일로 | M | south korea |
2023-Jul-04 | 20230704 | Bottlenose | Maddie | - | Live Birth | IMMS | - | - | Indy | M | north america, united states, mississippi |
2023-Jun-28 | 20230628 | Bottlenose | Wahoo | - | Live Birth | IMMS | - | - | Loki | M | north america, united states, mississippi |
Date | Date-Sort | Species | Mother | Father | Result | Facility / Born At: | Survived | Survival-Sort | Named: | Sex | Filter |
2022-Nov-03 | 20221103 | Bottlenose | Cayo | Louie | Live Birth | Dolphin Research Center | - | - | Morada | F | north america, united states, florida |
2022-Oct-10 | 20221010 | Bottlenose | Noelani | Sonny | Live Birth | Coral World | - | - | Coki | F | caribbean, united states, virgin islands |
2022-Oct-04 | 20221004 | Bottlenose | Lucy | - | Live Birth | Planète Sauvage | - | - | Yaqu | U | europe, france |
2022-Sep-30 | 20220930 | Bottlenose, TG | Kia キア | - | Live Birth | Kyoto Aquarium | - | - | Tsumugi ツムギ | M | asia, japan |
2022-Sep-18 | 20220918 | Bottlenose | Parel | - | Live Birth | Planète Sauvage | - | - | Pili | U | europe, france |
2022-Sep-17 | 20220917 | Bottlenose | Krista | - | Live Birth | D. Discovery Cozumel | - | - | - | M | north america, mexico |
2022-Sep-15 | 20220915 | Bottlenose | Kathy | - | Live Birth | D. Discovery Cozumel | - | - | - | U | north america, mexico |
2022-Sep-10 | 20220910 | Bottlenose | Valeria | - | Live Birth | D. Discovery Isla Mujeres | - | - | - | U | north america, mexico |
2022-Sep-06 | 20220906 | Bottlenose | Luna | - | Live Birth | Dolphins Plus Bayside | 2022-Sep-06 | 20220906 | - | M | north america, united states, florida, died |
2022-Sep-04 | 20220904 | Bottlenose | Debbie | Ivo? | Live Birth | Zoo Duisburg | - | - | Domingo | M | europe, germany, died |
2022-Aug-23 | 20220823 | Bottlenose, TG | Garam | - | Live Birth | Adventure World Shirahama | - | - | Cumin クミン | F | asia, japan |
2022-Aug-17 | 20220817 | White-sided, Pacific | Hikari ヒカリ | Jack | Live Birth | Marine World Uminionakamichi | 2022-Aug-21 | 20220821 | - | F | asia, japan, died |
2022-Aug-09 | 20220809 | White-sided, Pacific | Itch イッチ | Toto トト | Live Birth | Niigata City Aquarium | - | - | - | U | asia, japan |
2022-Aug-xx | 20220802 | Bottlenose | Leda レダ | Subaru | Live Birth | Taiji Whale Museum | - | - | - | U | asia, japan |
2022-Aug-xx | 20220801 | Bottlenose | Sakura さくら | Subaru | Live Birth | Taiji Whale Museum | 2022-Aug-xx | 20220801 | - | U | asia, japan, died |
2022-Jul-29 | 20220729 | Bottlenose | Ping | Sonny? | Live Birth | Coral World | 2022-Aug-18 | 20220818 | - | M | caribbean, united states, virgin islands, died |
2022-xxx-xx | 20220701 | White-sided, Pacific | Piquet | - | Stillborn | SeaWorld San Antonio | 2022-xxx-xx | 20220701 | - | U | north america, united states, texas |
2022-Jun-xx | 20220630 | Bottlenose | Vita Вита | - | Live Birth | Minsk Dolphinarium | - | - | Maya Майя | F | - |
2022-Jun-27 | 20220627 | Porpoise, Finless | F9 福久 | - | Live Birth | Institute of Hydrobiology | - | - | F9C22 | F | asia, china |
2022-Jun-19 | 20220619 | Bottlenose, TG | Chame | A.I., Raster | Live Birth | Motobu Genki Mura | - | - | Petit プティ | F | asia, japan |
2022-Jun-17 | 20220617 | Bottlenose, TG | ??? | - | Live Birth | Happy World Dolphin House | - | - | Chengcheng 澄澄 | M | asia, china |
2022-Jun-13 | 20220613 | Hybrid, TGxPC | Iss 伊丝 | ??, Pc | Live Birth | Polar Ocean World Tianjin | - | - | - | U | asia, china |
2022-Jun-02 | 20220602 | White-sided, Pacific | Ohana | - | Live Birth | SeaWorld San Antonio | 2022-Jun-03 | 20220603 | - | M | north america, united states, texas, died |
2022-Jun-01 | 20220601 | Porpoise, Finless | Chobo チョボ | Gow ゴウ | Live Birth | Toba Aquarium | - | - | Peace ピース | M | asia, japan |
2022-May-31 | 20220531 | Bottlenose | Gypsi | Louie | Live Birth | Dolphin Research Center | - | - | Bowie | F | north america, united states, florida |
2022-May-20 | 20220520 | Porpoise, Finless | Strawberry イチゴ | - | Live Birth | Toba Aquarium | 2022-Oct-xx | 20221031 | - | F | asia, japan, died |
2022-May-17 | 20220517 | White-sided, Pacific | Coral サンゴ | - | Stillborn | Marine World Uminionakamichi | Stillborn | 20220517 | - | U | asia, japan |
2022-May-10 | 20220510 | Spotted, Pantrop | Hyssop ヒソップ | Yarrow | Live Birth | Okinawa Marine Research Center | - | - | Anise アニス | M | asia, japan |
2022-May-03 | 20220503 | Porpoise, Finless | Koharu コハル | - | Live Birth | Miyajima Public Aquarium | - | - | Miharu ミハル | M | asia, japan |
2022-Apr-20 | 20220420 | Hybrid, GM x PC | Gita ジータ | Keith | Live Birth | Taiji Whale Museum | 2022-xxx-xx | 20220901 | - | U | asia, japan, died |
2022-Apr-17 | 20220417 | Bottlenose | Beauty Бьюти | - | Live Birth | NEMO Kharkov | - | - | Mria Мрийка | U | ukraine |
2022-Apr-01 | 20220401 | Bottlenose | Mar マール | A.I, ?? | Live Birth | Okinawa Churaumi | - | - | - | U | asia, japan |
2022-Mar-13 | 20220313 | Pseudorca | Anzu あんず | Musashi ムサシ | Live Birth | Adventure World Shirahama | - | - | Yomogi よもぎ | F | asia, japan |
Date | Date-Sort | Species | Mother | Father | Result | Facility / Born At: | Survived | Survival-Sort | Named: | Sex | Filter |